After burner
The after burning is a system to install in a burnout electric furnace for casting process in order to avoid wax burning fumes, complete with electrical system with thermocouple for the control of the working temperature.

After burner
The after burning is a system to install in a burnout electric furnace for casting process in order to avoid wax burning fumes, complete with electrical system with thermocouple for the control of the working temperature.
Romano d'Ezzelino
via Col Roigo, 22 Z.I.
36060 Vicenza, Italy
Tel: 0039 0424 31852
Fax: 0039 0424 510478
Romano d'Ezzelino
via Col Roigo, 22 Z.I.
36060 Vicenza, Italy
Tel: 0039 0424 31852
Fax: 0039 0424 510478
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